MyWi 9 for iOS 9 has been released

MyWi 9

MyWi 9 is the version for iOS 9 of one of the most useful tweaks designed for our iDevices, offering us a complex system to turn terminals into Wi-Fi HotSpots and manage the connections made with them.

MyWi was launched many years ago in Cydia and it is one of the most known/popular tweaks for those who jailbreak their own devices, so I highly recommend you to try the package.

Version 9 a MyWi was released during this day in Cydia for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, its developers for now only implementing support for the new version of the operating system for iDevices, at the same time removing the OnDemand option and the status bar display for connections.

  • iOS 9 and iPhone 6/+ Compatibility
  • Notes: WiFi must be turned on.
  • Removed: MyWi OnDemand
  • Removed: No Status Bar Icon/Tethering Bar

MyWi 9 it is available for free download through Cydia, but it works thanks to a limited license, so you will have to test all its functions before buying the final license to benefit from everything it has to offer.