Apple and its influence on the US real estate market

Apple real estate marketApple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), is one of the largest companies in the USA with a very large number of employees in various cities of the country, but San Francisco gathers the most of them, they also need houses to live in while they work in the campus in Cupertino.

A recent study conducted in the metropolitan area of ​​San Francisco reveals that both the increase in employee wages Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, as well as the increase in their number determined an increase in rents and the value of houses in that area,

According to publicly provided data, the houses occupied by employees have Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), increase in value by approximately 18% each year, the percentage being 7 percent higher than that recorded in the rest of the San Francisco metropolitan area and 5 percent higher than that recorded for San Jose.

Since 2007 when the first one was launched iPhone and until now the difference in the value of the houses owned by the employees Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), and those in San Jose increased from 13% to 20%, all based on the increase in salaries of the former, but also the value of the Apple company thanks to the popularity of its products.

Homes occupied by Apple workers are appreciating at 18% a year, compared with 11% for San Francisco as a whole and 12% for San Jose. Since iPhone sales launched in June 2007 [and stock values ​​rose], the Zillow analysis found, the average difference between the median home value of Apple workers and San Jose workers has swelled to 20% from 13%.

Because most of those who do not work in IT companies have higher salaries than the rest of the world, the Apple company hired security people from contracted security companies to guard its offices, offering them better salaries and additional benefits.

Moreover, Apple has also created special public transport routes to bring its employees to work more easily, those in Cupertino taking care of their own employees, while the value of the houses they live in and their related rents continue to grow because of Apple and other IT companies.