iOS 9.1 vs iOS 9.2 beta 4 - performance comparison

iOS 9.1 vs iOS 9.2 beta 4 performanceiOS 9.1 si iOS beta 9.2 4 appear in a first performance comparison that should tell us what kind of change we will find when we make the transition from the current version of the operating system to the next one.

As you will see in the video clips below, iOS 9.2 beta 4 has an advantage in running certain actions on our terminals, while iOS 9.1 has an advantage in running others, the operating systems being quite close in performance.

The Apple company did not say that it will improve the performance of its iDevices in iOS 9.2 beta 4, but as things stand, we will have improvements in certain menus of the operating system, but also in terms of the start-up time of the devices .

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