iOS 8.4.1 vs iOS 9.2 beta 4 - performance comparison

iOS 8.4.1 vs iOS 9.2 beta 4 performanceiOS 8.4.1 si iOS beta 9.2 4 are compared in terms of general performance, this after yesterday I presented it to you comparison between iOS 9.1 and iOS 9.2 beta 4 on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S.

Today, the same three terminals are compared in terms of performance, and this is to understand how big it is the difference between iOS 8.4.1 and iOS 9.2 beta 4 in terms of performance, the video clips providing as clear a proof as possible of what you will receive.

iPhone 4S is the oldest Apple iPhone that is capable of running iOS 9 at the moment, but unfortunately its performance is not quite as great as some users expect, and the difference compared to iOS 8.4.1 is enormous.

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