Flanco celebrates its 21st anniversary with discounts

Flanco discounts 21 yearsFlanco turns 21 years since its foundation and on this occasion he decided to organize on this page a discount campaign for all the products available in our offer, customers receiving a gift voucher that totals 21% of the total order placed.

Practically everything you buy today on flanco.ro will benefit from one gift voucher totaling 21% of the total value of your order, this voucher being applied as a discount to a future order placed in the online store.

This 21% voucher is offered regardless of the type of discount the products you buy benefit from, those at Flanco maintaining the current promotions, offering this 21% voucher for future use, on a date mentioned by the organizers.

On this page you can find all the discounts that Flanco is offering at the moment, so you will definitely have something to buy in the store and I recommend you take advantage of the opportunity because you will not see an offer like this again very soon.

The discount campaign of those from Flanco takes place between December 8 and 10, so you have time to think about what to buy, but of course with the mention that stocks are limited to certain products.