iOS 9.2 vs iOS 9.1 - performance comparison on iPhone (Video)

iOS 9.2 was launched last evening by the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch owners around the world, bringing a lot of major changes and improvements to overall performance.

Because the changes are so beneficial, today we also have 4 video clips comparing the performances iOS 9.2 with the iOS 9.1 pe iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S and iPhone 6, this is to show us how big or small the difference is in the case of each model.

iPhone 4S has the worst performance of all 4, and iPhone 6 the best, but overall iOS 9.2 offers a noticeable increase in performance in certain applications and tasks or offers nothing at all in other cases of use, so no you expect to see a general increase.

From a performance point of view, there is no reason not to update to iOS 9.2 from a previous version of iOS, if you don't need a jailbreak, but if you're still using iOS 8.4.1, you won't now, or in the future , better performance than in that version.