WhatsApp Messenger has been blocked in a large country on the globe

WhatsApp Messenger blocked BrazilWhatsApp Messenger was blocked for 48 hours in Brazil, one of the largest countries in the world, with more than 200 million inhabitants, users of the service having to choose competing messaging applications, Telegram or Viber being some of them.

The decision to block WhatsApp Messenger in Brazil was taken by a court in Sao Paolo at the request of mobile phone operators, who accused the service of decreasing the interest of Brazilians in purchasing mobile phone contracts with included minutes.

This is the second attempt by mobile phone operators in Brazil to block WhatsApp Messenger and it seems that it was successful, their lawyers calling the service an illegal one that uses the phone numbers of the operators.

Today's decision places Brazil among the countries that limit citizens' access to the Internet and favor the interests of mobile phone operators, but what can you expect when the leader of the Brazilian Congress is a former lobbyist for local telecom operators.

A Brazilian court on Wednesday ordered telecommunications providers to block all access to the WhatsApp phone-messaging application for 48 hours throughout Brazil, Latin America's largest country, the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper said in an online report on Wednesday.

Having said that, the blocking of WhatsApp Messenger in Brazil is a very dangerous precedent because it is based on the desire of mobile phone operators and not any danger to citizens or the state, other courts in the region may make similar decisions.

In practice, the court in Brazil that made this decision demonstrates the fact that justice is not made to protect citizens, but the interests of big companies.

UPDATED: It seems that the Brazilian authorities have decided to once again allow citizens to access the WhatsApp Messenger network.


  1. Decizia ar fi corectă, dacă ar viza numerele de telefon care aparțin operatorilor de telefonie mobila. Dacă ar fi ca la noi – numarul aparține clientului – lucrurile ar sta altfel.
    Oricum, pentru a evita o situație similară, whatsapp are posibilitatea de a permite înregistrării pe baza adresei de mail.

  2. Claudiu, este usor cand lucrurile sunt vazute doar in ansamblu. Operatorul de telefonie iti poate cere 100€/luna pentru 1GB de net. In cazul asta ce ai mai spune? Daca platesti, el face bani, daca ti se pare scump si nu platesti, ramai fara whatsapp.

  3. Greșit total. Zaone, documentează-te mai intens înainte să scrii aberații. WhatsApp a fost blocat pentru 48h din cauza faptului că, compania (Favebook in fact) nu a colaborat cu o instanță în timpul unui proce