How iOS 9.3 Night Shift works

iOS 9.3 Night Shift is a system implemented by the Apple company to help us relax our eyes before going to bed, by changing the colors of the iDevice screens so as not to tire users who will have a more peaceful sleep.

iOS 9.3 Night ShiftiOS 9.3 contains a new function called Night Shift, or Blue Light Reduction in the translation for Romania, and if you were curious to find out how it works, well in this article you will find out all the details.

Apart from what I told you in the article regarding ntools for iOS 9.3 Night Shift, Blue Light Discount, the available function can be accessed in iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch through the menu Settings > Screen & Brightness, Settings > Display and Brightness.

In this menu you will see a section called Blue Light Reduction, Night Shift, it has a button for activation or deactivation, but also a slider that allows you to set if you want the screen to display cooler or warmer colors during use.

Set in the middle, this slider displays warm, slightly yellowish colors on the screen, dragging it to the left displays blue, cool colors, while dragging it to the right displays warm, orange colors, not so pleasant to use your terminals in life daily.

iOS 9.3 blue light reduction

In this menu, Apple has also implemented a programming system for Night Shift activation, Blue Light Reduction, so you can set certain hours during which the system will be active, the rest of the time it will remain disabled, with the option to activate it manually being offered.

The native Night Shift system, Blue Light Reduction, is automatically activated when the sun sets, but by setting a schedule you will be able to prevent its activation when you don't want it, so it remains for you to clarify its usefulness.

Having said that, I don't know how beneficial the inclusion of this feature in iOS 9.3 will prove to be, but it remains to be seen if it will be modified or not.