Split View would be much more useful with this feature

Split View is a system created by the Apple company especially for the iPad, it being offered starting with iOS 9 and allowing the viewing of two applications on the same tablet screen, the function being requested by users for years.

Unfortunately, interaction between applications is not possible without switching from one to another by taking your finger off the screen, but a concept that appeared in the past few days shows us how useful Split View could be for sharing files using drag & drop.

Practically, the user would select a file in one application and without letting go, he would drag it into the second application where he would let go and initiate the data transfer between the two applications without any search for the application through the Share Sheets system of iOS.

The technique presented above is based on a library called CoreDragon, this facilitating the transfer of information between applications through a modified version of the existing drag & drop system in OS X, and if Apple offered something like this natively for the iPad, it would make a lot of people happy.

What do you think ?