Smartwatches can reveal the security code of a smartphone

Smartwatches can reveal the security code that a user has set for their own smartphone, in the video below a technique is demonstrated by which a wearable of this kind can be exploited by hackers.

According to a researcher in computer security, the movement sensors of a smartwatch can be used by a special program to interpret the movements that a user makes on the screen of a smartphone, based on which the security code of the device is also guessed.

The procedure works both in the case of security codes for smartphones, as well as in the case of PINs used for bank cards, so a person can even remain without money from their account if their smartwatch has been compromised by hackers.

In order for the movement sensors of a smartwatch to be used in such a way, it is necessary to install a special application in the device that receives information from the respective components, the data from it being transmitted to a computer or smartphone.

According to the computer security researcher, the exact guess rate of a smartphone PIN is 73%, while in the case of bank card PINs the percentage drops to 59%, so basically the PIN of one of two cards can be guessed by the software.

Although the described system can be used in certain situations, the chances that any person will be affected by it are minimal and here there are a multitude of reasons that can be given.

Not everyone holds the smartwatch on the hand with which they enter a security code or a PIN, not everyone moves their hand in this procedure, the wearable application must be running when this happens and it must communicate with a terminal mobile or computer.

Basically we are talking about a multitude of conditions that must be met for this hack to work and there is little chance of this happening.