Games for iPhone and iPad with stories full of mystery

iphone ipad mystery gamesIf you are looking for iPhone and iPad games that will take you through the most mysterious virtual worlds created by developers, well, Apple has created a new section specifically to help you in your search.

10 Most Mysterious Games is the name of this section created by the Apple company and we are talking about one in which 10 games of the App Store are presented that have complex and mysterious stories meant to keep us in our mouths.

We are talking about games that have proven to be popular in the App Store, such as The Room, Limbo or Dark Echo, each of them having an extremely engaging gameplay, but sometimes even scary, so choose your games very carefully you want to try them.

For several months, the Apple company has had its employees manually choose all the games that are displayed in sections of this kind, so theoretically only the best titles will be promoted for us, so no matter what choice you make, it should be a very good one .

The 10 Most Mysterious Games section can be accessed following this link.