The Microsoft tablets of the New England Patriots crashed during a football game

The Microsoft company managed to convince some American football teams in the USA to replace the old notebooks with game strategies with Microsoft Surface tablets that would make the discovery of content and its display much easier.

Unfortunately for the New England Patriots, the Microsoft Surface tablets with their game strategies got stuck during an American football game that took place yesterday and a lot of dissatisfaction appeared because of the Microsoft product .

According to those who investigated the problem, everything was based on a special application used to analyze the players' positions during the game and visualize the opponent's strategy, connecting to a server where the information is stored, connectivity problems blocking that application.

Solving the problems took about 20 minutes, according to NFL representatives, but this is not the first time that various players or coaches are not satisfied with the way the Microsoft Surface tablets work, all these details appearing on various occasions on the Internet.

Our team on the field has confirmed the issue was not related to the tablets themselves but rather an issue with the network. We worked with our partners who manage the network to ensure the issue was resolved quickly.

Microsoft hasn't had that much positive publicity after the adoption of Microsoft Surface tablets by NFL teams, so it remains to be seen what we will see.