Apple accused of intellectual theft worth 532 million dollars

Company Apple is accused of intellectual theft worth 532 million dollars, a company called VirnetX arguing that the technology used in iOS and OS X for VPN connections, FaceTime and iMessage uses its intellectual property protected by patents.

VirnetX has already won a lawsuit against Apple and damages of 368.2 million dollars, but the decision was canceled on appeal, a new trial starting yesterday, now the company is again asking Apple for 532 million dollars.

The lawyers from Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), claim that VirnetX failed to sell products with the technologies developed based on the patents it owns and relies mainly on revenues obtained from licensing, which is the reason why it is attacking Apple.

The reality is that when you use a technology developed by someone else, you have to pay a licensing fee, as Apple demands from Samsung or other companies, but those from Cupertino have, as usual, a completely different opinion.

Apple Inc. owes $532 million for using patented VirnetX Holding Corp. technology for secure communications, a lawyer for VirnetX told a federal jury in Texas Monday. Apple hasn't played fair. They have taken Virnetx's intellectual property without permission.

The trial between Apple and VirnetX could last several weeks in which each party will present evidence to support their case, and in the end we will see who wins the case in this second trial and what will be the eventual amount awarded as damages.

Apple lost last year and one lawsuit filed by SmartFlash, then the amount of 532.9 million dollars being established as damages for the plaintiffs, so Apple will have serious amounts to pay due to the fact that it does not respect its own principles of not copying other people's technologies.


  1. Apple a deschis cutia Pandorei. Daca pentru brevete de design Apple a cerut 1 miliard de dolari de la Samsung, suma de 500 milioane de dolari pentru tehnologii de genul prezentate in articol mi se pare floare la ureche. Sa nu uitam ca Apple foloseste tehnologii inventate de altii, fara sa le plateasca.

  2. Ce TEHNOLOGIE foloseste Samsung de la Apple ? Iar confundam patentele de design sau software(animatii) cu tehnologia ? Apple nu este capabila sa inventeze nici 1% din ce a inventat Samsung -vorbim de tehnologii .