The "Vein Viewing" technology helps to visualize the veins

 I think it's not just me that every time I go to a hospital, either for blood donations or for other investigations, my veins can't be found. So, technology Vein Viewer which helps to visualize the veins, comes to the aid of those like me.

The principle of this technology is based on infrared light, which highlights the hemoglobin in the veins. You walk along the arm with the device, the veins are visualized, the image is then captured, processed and digitally projected in real time directly on the surface of the skin. To better understand the principle, watch the video clip below.

Technology advances, but it's harder for us. Unfortunately, I have not come across such devices in Romania and anyway, if you were to ask me, it seems to me that, in some cases, they still do not offer huge improvements in practice. And I say this also because, this technology Vein Viewer in some places it would go wrong, because in some cases it detects tendons, instead of veins!? At least that's what those who managed to test the device claim.