Jailbreak = hacking - the nothingness theory of people who don't take advantage of the iPhone

Jailbreak = hacking. I'm sure you've heard or read this expression many times on the internet in recent years, and that's because a lot of people put an equal sign between the two actions, but in reality those people only denote the fact that they have no idea what's going on happening in the iPhone world.

In this article I will explain why putting a sign of equality between the two actions is not only incorrect, but a sign of naivety.

Jailbreak = hacking

If we were in the year 2011, then the expression would be 100% correct and there could not be the same arguments to tell a person that he is wrong. At that time, most of those who did jailbreak they just wanted to install pirated apps on their iPhone or iPad, not really interested in tweaks.

Today, 13.02.2016, the world is completely different again jailbreak has become useful to customize iOS and implements a multitude of functions that Apple does not offer, that is, through or we can preally take advantage of everything our iPhones offer.

Why does the world no longer jailbreak for hacking? because pirated applications can be installed without jailbreak, and not from today or yesterday, for more than 2 years, after what Installous has been closed by the Apple company.

Possibility of install pirated apps without jailbreak he convinced many peopleto give up jailbreak solutions, such as now I jailbreak mainly people who know what this means and I know how to profit from it.

In this idea, to say that jailbreak = hacking is a sign of naivety, lack of information and proof of the fact that you have a wrong preconception in relation to what releasing an iPhone from the limitations imposed by the Apple company through iOS can offer you.

The change of mentality

It is difficult to change an idea so well planted in the minds of many, but the reality is that you no longer need a jailbreak to install pirated applications and if we're being honest, it's not the easiest method to hack either.

Those who want to hack applications do it without jailbreak, on any version of iOS, given that the jailbreak is only available in certain versions, generally the old ones, so it doesn't make any sense to be tied to the jailbreak in order to hack.

I know that many will remain with the same idea in mind, but in time things will change. The good thing about this major change is that now the jailbreak world is once again focused on developing really useful tweaks, tweaks that some people actually pay for.

I don't support piracy, I recommend you pay for what you use because otherwise the developers will no longer create great things, but there is no need to put an equal sign between jailbreak and piracy because it is completely wrong.

That being said, every time someone tells you that jailbreak = hacking, point them to this article.