Samsung Galaxy S7 will have integrated Force Touch

Samsung Galaxy S7 will have Force Touch integrated, the information being rumored a few months ago by various sources, the confirmation of its existence being offered on Friday thanks to a brochure promoting the new terminal that Samsung will present today.

Both Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge will have Force Touch integrated by the Samsung company, this function being initially launched by the Apple company together with the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus, those from Cupertino being the first to bring this system to the market.

Force Touch from Samsung Galaxy S7 it will work in a similar way to 3D Touch, that is, depending on the pressure applied on the screen, it will allow performing a variety of functions or allow the display of various useful information for the users who use the devices.

Force Touch à la iPhone

Until now, no details have been provided regarding the functions it had Force Touch from Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, but it is unlikely that it will be much different from what the 3D Touch already offers in Apple smartphones.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Force Touch -

Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge will be the first Android smartphones launched in 2016 that have Force Touch implemented, but after them others will offer this functionality to be on par with Apple's smartphones.

Having said that, the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge will be presented this afternoon by the Samsung company at a conference taking place in Barcelona before the Mobile World Congress 2016, the official launch could take place on March 11.