Google wants to implement 3D Touch in the future Nexus series

IMPLEMENTATION OF Touch 3D in the iPhone has generated a real hysteria among smartphone manufacturers, who are rushing to develop similar technologies to offer in their own products that are to be launched this year on global markets.

Xiaomi, Meizu, Oppo, Vivo, Huawei, ZTE or HTC there are only a few of the well-known manufacturers that intend to offer a similar 3D Touch functionality for their own smartphones, even though Samsung avoided doing this by launching the Galaxy S7.

If from these companies we were already expecting an implementation of a similar 3D Touch system, not many people expected from Google, but the Americans asked HTC, which produces some Nexus terminals, to create prototypes of Nexus 2016 which would have Touch 3D incorporated.

More than that, Google would intend to create a framework that natively offers a functionality similar to 3D Touch in Android so that Android terminal manufacturers can use any hardware to benefit from a system that offers the same experience regardless of the manufacturer.

What a headache pressure touch function. On the one hand lukewarm market response, including Apple 6S. The other side of Meizu, millet, oppo, vivo have hot research this feature. Google made a new generation of Nexus HTC OEM also plans to add pressure touch, and Android there are plans to standardize this featured.

If Google will implement native support for 3D Touch in Android, the functionality will be offered on a large scale by manufacturers, and in the summer the new version of the operating system could be offered that has this function available for users all over the world.