The largest Apple Store in the world opens on Saturday

The largest Apple Store in the world is to be opened on Saturday by the Apple company, it was announced four years ago, during which the people from Apple rented the space and arranged it for the opening of the store.

Dalian, China, is the location where this store will be opened, the mall Olympia 66 going to be its host, being located in one of the most popular tourist locations in the city, so Apple is betting on a lot of traffic that will pass through the store.

The mall where the store is to be built has a height of 8 floors, it was opened in December of last year, and was even awarded for its exceptional design, so Apple will open its store in a location worthy of the arrangement the interior of its stores.

Apple has so far opened approximately 13 stores in China and intends to open 40 by the end of the year, the grand opening of this new store being scheduled for Saturday, March 19.

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