How the Apple Watch saved a man's life

Apple Watch is promoted by the Apple company as a personal device that users can enjoy while exercising or walking down the street, and for a 62-year-old man in the US it turned out to be the gadget that saved his life .

The man was working one day on building a fence and after noticing that he felt sick during the work, he thought to see how many beats per minute his heart recorded, the Apple Watch being the one that made him understand that it would be good to call an ambulance to stay alive.

The man stated that normally the heart registers 50 beats per minute, but at the time of monitoring done using the Apple Watch, it registered 210 beats per minute, the very big difference motivating him to call an ambulance that took him directly to the hospital.

There the doctors operated on him urgently to save his life, one of the doctors telling him that he had suffered a heart attack and if he had gone home and gone to bed he would have died during the night because generally in these situations the second attack is the one that has the most serious effects.

I was building a fence placing posts in the ground. I finished lunch at 1:15 and was back to work. I felt terrible – like I had a really bad flu. I worked for maybe 10 minutes but said to my helper, 'I need to sit down.' They told me that if I had gone home and gone to bed – as many people do – I would likely have had another, more serious bout in the middle of the night. Those second attacks are the ones that kill. That is a common problem.

Having said that, biometric monitoring gadgets can sometimes save our lives, so when you are doing intense physical effort, it would be good to have one around.


  1. And this is how the world of classic watches will shrink. With $20.000 what do you do, buy your health and the rest vs an object that will live longer than you?! Others still blindly believe that in 5-10 years the world of classics will not be affected at all.

  2. Take care of your work elsewhere, to have only negative things in life. Don't like Apple? Well done, take care of your life and like what you like, hello!