Video games improve some of our visual skills

 There are many who consider that video games only have negative parts, well, they also have their good parts, especially by the fact that they improve some of our visual skills.

Yes, some activities performed in front of a PC or a tablet tire our eyes, but there are also activities that involve the use of devices and amplify certain visual capacities. A study conducted shows that video games that involve looking at and "shooting" virtual opponents, games like Halo or Call of Duty, which you've all heard of, improve visual abilities related to spatial perception, as well as some quick decision-making abilities.

Also, other studies show that PC game enthusiasts often have better hand-eye coordination, but also a greater ability to perceive the contrast between different objects in the environment, in a low-light environment.

This post was last modified on March. 22, 2016, 7:10 AM 07:10

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