Apple fixed a Siri vulnerability and blocked a useful trick

Yesterday I presented you a Siri vulnerability that could give hackers access to iPhone data even if the terminal is protected with an access code, the problem itself is not very serious because users can protect themselves by disabling access to Siri in the lock screen.

Despite this, the Apple company blocked the existing vulnerability in its personal assistant in record time, a change made in the servers that control Crab preventing from last night the access to the respective data, so that everyone is protected.

If until yesterday, Twitter searches made using Siri were devoid of any kind of security measure, now the assistant requires the entry of the iPhone's access code before making that search using the Twitter application, so only the user will have access to the data.

While the vulnerability was a blemish on Apple's battle with the FBI to keep iOS secure, the bright side is that it was fixed extremely quickly without an iOS update, and that tells us a lot about what Apple could do in the future. future for improving iOS security.

Apart from solving this vulnerability, the Apple company also blocked a trick that allowed it Night Shift activation when Low Power Mode was activated, this option being normally only possible through the trick offered with Siri, and Apple blocked everything last night.

That being said, Apple has blocked a Siri vulnerability and a useful trick for users.

iOS vulnerability strings