60% of Apple Watch owners are ready to buy Apple Watch 2 without seeing it

Apple Watch It is the most popular SmartWatch ever released by any company and according to a recent study, it is so good that many of those who own the current model are ready to buy the next one without seeing it or knowing what new functions it will bring.

According to a study done in the USA, 60% of Apple Watch owners are ready to buy Watch Apple 2 from the Apple company, the rumors that have appeared so far indicate that the future smartwatch will be up to 40% thinner and that it could have a FaceTime camera and new sensors.

The current owners of the Apple Watch claim that the functions of the smart watch sold by the Apple company are the main reason why they would buy the future model, too few of them thinking about how the watch can be combined with various clothing items.

When it comes to the main reasons why some of the participants did not buy the Apple Watch, the price is by far the strongest argument, the Apple company recently reducing the price of the product by 50 dollars, but for now it is not known what impact the reduction had.

The study was conducted online with a number of 2578 participants, so theoretically it should be representative to a certain extent, and similar ones also appear before the launch of new iPhone models, the purchase intention being generally high before the launch of an Apple product new.


  1. Cea mai mare prostie cu ceasurile astea.indiferent ca au ios sau android . Nau sens,azi maine se fac preservative apple (deja marul e muscat )

  2. Au dat 30 de milioane pe ceas… Si? Au dat pentru ca au avut. Nu toti oamenii sunt saraci si nu toti clientii Apple traiesc in Romania. Daca Apple ar fi dezvoltat o afacere pe baza pietei de desfacere din Romania, inchideau inainte sa proiecteze primul calculator si se apucau de vandut seminte.

  3. Asa este unixes, partea si mai proasta este ca, acesti vanzatori de pantofi in mall, critica produsele apple, se cred cei mai mari experti in domeniu, vor premium doar, egal daca poarta aceleasi sosete o saptamana.

  4. Cei care modereaza comentariile ce fac? Dorm?
    Sau poate a jigni pe cineva este constructiv in opinia moderatorilor.

    Si ca sa fiu si eu ontopic. Bine ca esti de de la oras bai Jenică! ??????

  5. Eu m-am plictisit de el destul de repede. După doua saptamâni l-am vândut la 60% din cât dădusem pe el. Totuși pot sa spun ca este ff atractiv, iar modelul nou dacă va fi mai subțire ….va atrage si mai multă lume.

  6. Eu am chiar de la lansare din state si il port zilnic pentru ca iphone ul nu il tin asupra mea tot timpul mi se pare foarte util, chiar de nedespartit. Este ceva diferit de un tel nu toata lumea are nevoie de el si nu pt oricine este folositor sau util! Cand apare 2 mi-l schimb fara sa ma gandesc pentru ca sigur ca oferi ceva in plus fata de 1. Cred ca mai subtire va fi chiar mai interesant 🙂