Apple celebrates Earth Day by donating the proceeds for applications sold through the App Store

Apart from the special arrangement of the Apple Stores, the Apple company also uses the App Store to encourage the world to support the donation of money to organizations that fight to protect the Earth, so that in the App Store applications are promoted that donate their proceeds to these organizations .

Starting from the past few days, the Apple company promotes in the App Store the applications that until April 24th will donate their proceeds to NGOs that fight for the protection of the Earth, the commission collected by Apple also being donated to these organizations.

Most of the applications are popular and have been promoted several times in the App Store or Apple ads, the donated amounts coming both from the selling price of the application and from the proceeds generated through the sale of in-app purchases, so we are probably talking about millions of dollars.

The two application sections for Romania are accessible here si here, and the money you spend will contribute to keeping the planet clean.