A new Android ransomware demands payment in iTunes Gift Cards

Ransomwareinvaded the platform Android as he also invaded the company's Microsoft, but a new type of software created for the Google platform comes with an unexpected surprise for users who are unlucky enough to be affected by it.

The ransomware is designed to tell users that a US federal agency has locked their smartphone for violating the law, with a credit payment of $200 worth of iTunes Gift Cards being required to unlock the smartphone. within a maximum of 72 hours.

Unlike other software of this kind, the latter does not encrypt data from users' smartphones, so simply copying important data to the PC and performing a factory data reset solves the problem, although the procedure is not simple.

The ironic part in this whole story is that a ransomware for Android demands payment in iTunes Gift Cards to unlock the users' terminals and the hacker who created the software probably thought quite well how the whole situation will look for the users.

Android ransomware

Android ransomware 1