TOP 10 games created by independent developers

10 Greatest Indie Games is a new section of applications available in App Store from the past few days, and through its company Apple recommends 10 of the best games created by independent developers for our iPhone, iPad and iPod Touches.

The Apple company initiated a few months ago a series of sections in which it recommends 10 games from various categories of the App Store, and the one I'm talking about today was recently created, the idea behind it being a great one and very helpful for independent developers .

In general, developers have very big problems in making their applications known in the App Store, and the independent ones who do not have big marketing budgets behind them have an even more difficult job, and sections such as 10 Greatest Indie Games I am a real help to them.

Among the games promoted in the section 10 Greatest Indie Games we find extremely popular titles such as Monument Valley, Threes!, Crossy Road or Implosion, all of which have been promoted on various other occasions by the Apple company, so we are talking about very good applications.

10 Greatest Indie Games can be accessed in the App Store following this link.