How to resize folder titles on iPhone

If you are not satisfied with the size of the visible folder titles in the iOS operating system, well one tweak named TitleFolderSize it gives us the possibility to increase or decrease the size of the letters of the folder names, as you can see in the image below.

TitleFolderSize has a variety of settings available in the Settings, Configurations application, which allow us to modify the sizes of the letters displayed for us at will, so that we have the opportunity to customize their appearance to our liking.

TitleFolderSize is my new tweak that brings different Dimensions to the Titles of the Folders starting from the smallest to the biggest ones. It gives you the possibility to change the specific Sizes of the Titles inside your Folders, together to make the Titles Black and More! Disable/Enable and respring in Settings after the installation to take effect (a confirmation button will appear to respring the Device!

TitleFolderSize is available for download from Cydia's BigBoss repo following this link.



  1. Please also put "cydia" in front of the title so that we can tell those with jailbreak and those without. I read the post but it's not for me. Thank you. Good morning!