The New Emoji Bible for Millennials

 An adaptation of the Bible according to "our day" and today's technology, is scheduled to be made available in iBooks on Sunday. The book is called Bible Emoji: scripture for the millennial. the book cover has several emoticons, two of which have halos.
The writer says:

A great and fun way to share the gospel. Explore all 66 books chronicling the stories of Abraham, Noah and Jesus like never before!

You start with emojis that are really common — for instance, the earth emoji can mean earth, world, or planet.

'Eventually I created an actual translator program with a list of 80 different emoji icons, and 200 corresponding words.

'In addition: I built in some common shorthand — so that "and" became &, and "first" became 1st.'

I've received a lot of tweets, some very nice some very, not nice.

'But it's all worth the goal of making the Bible a little more approachable, to inject some levity, and to get people to look at it, with no particular agenda beyond that.


I don't know how you see the whole situation, but I am amused. Where else do you put this "bible" that also has a translator.

Emojis are emotional, and allow people to express feelings in a visual way within the structure of "normal", written language."

'What's made them so successful, is that they're language-agnostic — they allow you to convey an idea to anyone, regardless of what language they speak.