This is what the iPhone 7S could look like with a curved OLED screen

This is what the iPhone 7S could look like with an OLED screen curved towards the edges, surrounding the glass case.

I told you today that Apple could launch a iPhone 7S with screen curved towards the edges, this feature being popularized by Samsung for smartphones, those from Apple will copy it next year for their own iPhone terminals.

Without a lot of existing details about the future OLED screen curved towards the edges, we can still see an image that could tell us how Apple could make this change in iPhone 7S, although the thinking behind it is more than wrong.

You can see that expanding the screen would mean adding another 4.2mm to its width, the screen resolution iPhone 7S, most likely the iPhone 7S Plus version, going to increase from 1920 x 1080 pixels, which the iPhone 6S now has and the iPhone 7 Plus will have, to 1920 1310 pixels x.

The resolution resulting from this concept is strange, but not impossible to use by Apple, considering that in the current terminals the company has unusual resolutions, but what is missing from the picture is the virtual button that will replace the Home one.

iPhone 7S it should remain without the Home button, but it should have the loudspeaker and sensors integrated into the case, so the final version should have a longer screen, and the additional width could offer new functions at the same resolutions as now, or the 4K ones .

iPhone 7S edges OLED screen