The strangest theory that says that iOS 10 will not be released in 2016

The presentation of iOS 10 on June 13 could be postponed to 2017 according to a new theory that appeared on the Internet the other day.

iOS 10 is the future version of the iOS operating system that everyone expects to be able to launch in the fall of this year after a presentation that will take place at WWDC 2016 in about a week.

Although everything seems very safe and clear about iOS 10 presentation pe 13 June at 20: 00, a new theory suggests that in fact the Apple company will release the next version of the operating system will appear only next year, iOS 9.4 to be released this year.

The basis of this theory is the idea that on the 10th anniversary of the release of the iPhone and iOS, the Apple company will keep iOS 10 for the fall of 2017, and in 2016 it will launch only one iOS 9.4 which should as many changes as a major update for the iOS operating system.

The idea that iOS 10 to be an anniversary version of iOS, in tune with the 10 years that have passed since the release of the first version, does not seem so improbable, but it would be quite strange for Apple to release an iOS 9.4 this year because it would suggest the idea that the updates offered they are not really that big.

It would really be quite strange that on the 10th anniversary of the release of iOS, the Apple company would release iOS 11, but it would not be hard to believe that next year Apple could choose to make a change to the way it is named iOS, everything in tune with the anniversary.

I remain convinced that this year we will see iOS 10 and that iOS 9.4 it will either not be released, or it will appear in July, and Apple will keep the tradition of major changes to the iOS name every fall, at least until next year, which is a very special one.

What do you think ?