Senz umbrella - The umbrella of the future

How many years has the classic umbrella been around? According to Wikipedia, the oldest folding umbrella dates back to 21 AD. A lot of progress has been made, obviously, and someone has come up with an umbrella that opens and closes at the push of a button. This is certainly a useful feature, but the design of the umbrella itself has remained unchanged until now, when it appeared Senz Umbrella. The made umbrella "plays" with the wind.

Maybe some will consider it useful, others trivial and stupid, for me it belongs to the category of gadgets that I would like to have, so I present to you, in a few lines, Senz Umbrella Holder, the so-called umbrella of the future. It's still UK weather in Romania.

What is so special about it? The design, obviously, is not a classic one, but rather resembles an airplane wing, so it is "stormproof", that is it doesn't break, it doesn't bend, and heroically resists one wind blowing up to 60 km/h. Whether you're riding a bike or rushing to work, during the storm, you won't have the stress of being without an umbrella.

The price is $39.95 and it has a palette of different colors.