Samsung released an update that prevented the unlocking of smartphones

If you think that only Apple can release updates that damage smartphones sold to users, well, Samsung did exactly the same thing with an update left for the operating system Android 6.0 Marshmallow provided by Google.

According to some users who installed this update, some top models of Samsung smartphones refused to unlock after installing this update, reading fingerprints or entering the unlock password without any effect.

People who had active Samsung accounts could unlock the terminals online to use them, but the rest were left with locked devices and no clear method to solve the problem, although this should not have happened in the first place.

Samsung Galaxy S7, Galaxy S6, Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy Note 4 are among the affected terminals, so we are even talking about the latest smartphone launched by the Koreans, the situation being as embarrassing as in the case of Apple.

This happened to me on my Galaxy S5. I was locked out and then made too many attempts at the pattern and PIN. Phone factory reset itself and corrupted my SD card full of photos.

Of course, no one knows what exactly was the basis of this problem and of course Samsung is working on fixing it, but in the meantime users must reinstall their operating system to be able to use their terminals blocked by the update again.

However, the problem does not seem to be that new, some users complaining that they encountered the exact same bug unexpectedly and a few months ago, the complete deletion of the data being in most cases the only solution.