The Facebook vulnerability that allowed the complete modification of chat messages

Facebook Messenger is not one of the most secure messaging applications, and this is revealed as clearly as possible in the video clip below where a researcher in IT security shows us how the messages in the application's chat can be modified.

Using an existing security hole in the code Facebook Messenger, a hacker could completely modify the existing messages in a conversation made through the platform, and this is because Facebook did not care much about securing user conversations.

Using this technique, hackers could send normal users to malicious websites where they could be infected with malware, or they could carry out various types of attacks, all without the user knowing that he is the victim of an attack directed through FaceBook Messenger.

The chat handling procedure does not involve the interception of data transmissions made through Facebook Messenger, but only finding a message ID for a user and manipulating the Facebook servers through which messages were sent between users.

As an example of an attack, the hacker could send a legitimate message to a potential victim. Once the message is received, the hacker can then alter that message to include a malicious link or file. The infection points can be adjusted "seamlessly," he writes, and the message remotely deleted from the Facebook account to cover the hacker's tracks.

Moreover, the hackers could delete the messages sent to the users, so that the source of an infection with malware or viruses could not be discovered, and the user would not be protected by Facebook for the conversations he had through the company's platform.

Although the vulnerability was an extremely dangerous one, Facebook managed to close it very shortly after it was announced by those who discovered it, so that at the moment users are safe and the messages received cannot be modified by to remote hackers.