GasGauge iOS 9.3.3 exploit can lead to the development of a jailbreak solution

After months and months of deceiving us with the fact that he can do it jailbreak for iOS 9.xx, the hacker named Luca Todesco released last night the exploit, called GasGauge, which he relied on to gain administrator access to the operating system iOS 9.3.3, or smaller versions.

Basically, he published GasGauge which is a quarter of a jailbreak solution for iOS 9.3.3 or lower versions, but its use also depends on the existence of other exploits that teams developing jailbreak solutions would have or they wouldn't have them available now.

The reason why the hacker exposed GasGauge or is based on the fact that iOS 10 blocked it, along with other exploits it relied on to gain administrator access to Apple's operating system, so now anyone can use it.

As I told you above, we are talking about an exploit that is only part of what is needed to develop a jailbreak solution for iOS 9.3.3, or earlier versions, and since GasGauge was published, there the chance that in the final version of iOS 9.3.3 it will be closed.

iOS 10 went hard on security. Basically all the techniques I relied on are broken. Need to start from scratch. So-apple killed both of my jailbreak chains. Gasgauge was in one. I hope it makes anyone realize how hard it actually is to pull this stuff on, considering it's just 1/4th of the deal. I respect you

Whether someone will use GasGauge or not remains to be seen, but it is clear that now the release of a jailbreak solution for iOS 9.3.x is closer to being realized.