The new way to access the camera when sending messages in iOS 10

iOS 10 comes with a lot changes for the Messages application, and they are intended to give us the opportunity to interact in a much more pleasant way with our friends, but the predefined functions offered by Apple are not always enough for most users.

Here we are talking about accessing the camera from the Messages application of iOS 10, the Apple company offering us a new interface to see a direct feed of the camera instead of the keyboard, the most recent photos recorded by us being displayed on its left, in a menu through which we can scroll.

The problem with this change is that pressing that camera feed will immediately record a picture, without being able to focus or use other options, and the picture feed displays a limited number of recordings, so you won't be able to find pictures taken with long time ago.

To access the entire interface of the Camera application and the entire photo/video library of iOS, you will have to swipe from left to right in the portion where the camera feed is displayed, two new options, as in the image below, being displayed directly in the Messages application of iDevices with iOS 10.

iOS 10 photo library Messages