The constant use of the mobile phone to play games or send text messages leads to arthritis

 Doctors seriously warn those under the age of 40 and frequently use their mobile phone to play games or send text messages. These habits can weaken the joints and lead to arthritis.

The ages at which arthritis can develop would be 50 years and even more, but now, experts say that the "baton" has been lowered.
Surgeon Dr. Mark Ciaglia told FOX5 that he is seeing more and more patients 40 and younger suffering from painful swelling and stiffness in the joints.
What causes this? The 23 hours that many adults spend sending emails or text messages and the 7 hours a day that children spend playing. They develop arthritis.

With the advent of texting and video games and excessive use of computers and typing you're wearing the joints out sooner so we're actually seeing a shift in the demographics of patients that get the arthritis because they're just wearing their joints out so much sooner

The experts said that the art developed from writing messages, emails and playing games has to do with the continuous movement of the fingers, combined with the wrong posture of the body. Combined, they put pressure on joints, tendons and muscles, which creates painful inflammation and stiff joints.

At the end of the day it's a wear and tear how many times are you moving a joint back and forth where the cartilage that covers the bone within the joint,' said Ciaglia.

The more things you do and the more aggressive you are with it, the sooner you will develop this.

This post was last modified on Jun. 26, 2016, 9:21 PM 21:21 PM

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