Pangu Team announces the release of iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak

iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak will be released in a week by Pangu Team, they also present an iOS 10 jailbreak at MOSEC 2016.

Pangu Team announced at MOSEC 2016 the release of iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak for users worldwide, the hackers also presented a solution to 10 iOS jailbreak, but this would be available only in the fall of this year, after this version of the operating system will be officially launched for users.

According to the Chinese from Pangu Team, iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak will be released in about a week for all people interested to benefit from it, the exploits will be blocked by the Apple company in iOS 9.3.3, but this matters less if the world will finally have a solution of jailbreak available.

The announcement made today by the Pangu Team took place during a conference for mobile security, they are probably looking for sponsors for the release of an iOS 10 jailbreak solution, those for iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak already existing, otherwise the announcement regarding the release of this software would no longer was made by the Chinese during this day.

iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak will be released in a week

Many details about the iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak solution are not known, considering that the announcement has just been made, but it will probably be as easy to use as all the programs released so far by the Pangu Team, so no we should expect something else, if they keep their word in the end.

There is a possibility that the exploits used for this iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak solution have been closed by the Apple company in iOS 9.3.3 or iOS 10, and those from Pangu Team have others prepared for the future version of the operating system , otherwise Cydia would not have been demonstrated in iOS 10, as you can see in the image below.

Pangu Team iOS 10 jailbreak
Pangu Team presents iOS 10 jailbreak

Considering that Apple has left the iOS 10 kernel unencrypted, the development of jailbreak solutions will become much easier because hackers will be able to more easily find vulnerabilities in the operating system of Americans, so theoretically we should benefit from this major change made by the American company.

Although the Pangu Team hackers have announced the release of iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak, I DO NOT RECOMMEND you to update from a version that has a jailbreak available to this one because a lot can change and the Chinese might decide not to release the software anymore, so that you have patience until everything becomes official.

Having said that, as soon as the new jailbreak solution is available, I will let you know.

UPDATED: And some new images that confirm iOS 10 jailbreak.

Pangu Team iOS 10 jailbreak 1

Pangu Team iOS 10 jailbreak 2

Pangu Team iOS 10 jailbreak 3