Visions of Harmony – Apple collaborates with NASA to celebrate the Juno space mission

Visions of Harmony is a film created by Apple in partnership with NASA to celebrate the Juno mission which aims to explore the orbit of the planet Jupiter, the video clip of only 9 minutes being distributed exclusively by the American company through Apple Music in the following period.

For Visions of Harmony, the Apple company also created a special section in Apple Music called Destination: Jupiter, which presents information about him, various songs by some Apple Music artists being included in the film, including some by the manager Apple Music, Trent Reznor.

The short film called Visions of Harmony mainly includes an interview with Scott Bolton, the principal investigator of the Juno mission, plus other information and images about the probe that was sent to explore the orbit of the planet Jupiter.

The space probe of the Juno mission was launched by NASA in 2011 and will reach the orbit of the planet Jupiter only on July 4, it will help NASA to understand more about the planet that is part of our solar system, but also possibly about its origins planet Earth.

Apple claims that the purpose of creating Visions of Harmony is to produce an educational material that will inspire people, the American company also announcing that it will provide updates on the status of the mission and those discovered within it, all of which will, of course, be available in Apple Music.

If you are interested in seeing the film Visions of Harmony, well you can access it in this page.

Visions of Harmony