What does the only online museum of "endangered sounds" look like

 A long time ago, Brendan Chilcutt had an idea, and with it, the idea of ​​opening an online site, a museum of endangered sounds - Museum of Endangered Sounds.

The American said then that his website was created with the aim of preserving the sounds of popular technologies a few decades ago. Among them is the "Mac Warning" sound.

Imagine a world where we never again hear the symphonic startup of a Windows 95 machine. Imagine generations of children unacquainted with the chattering of angels lodged deep within the recesses of an old cathode ray tube TV," Chilcutt writes. "And when the entire world has adopted devices with sleek, silent touch interfaces, where will we turn for the sound of fingers striking QWERTY keypads? Tell me that. And tell me: Who will play my GameBoy when I'm gone?

The melancholic can hear again the sound produced by the trigger of an Olympus camera, that of a cash register or that of a typewriter. At the moment, there are only 15 sounds, which some have already listened to obsessively, so Brendan should introduce more.

The site is this: http://savethesounds.info/

Mac warning sound