Consecrate basil on iPhone or iPad with the Basil Automat 3000 application

Looking through the App Store today, I noticed that basil is at the top of Romanian searches for applications, and the Basil Automat 3000 application is at the top of the results for these types of searches, helping you to sanctify basil directly on iPhone, iPad and Your iPod Touches.

The description of the Basil Automat 3000 application looks like this:

No more repeated visits to the church and the oppressive smell of incense! By simply shaking, Basil Automat 3000 emits particles of concentrated grace that do not kill demons, but disturb them, and they will leave your house, car, boat or helicopter almost instantly.

As you banish demons by consecrating people or objects, you can rise in rank! Our application thus comes to the aid of those who consider a career as a full-time exorcist.

Attention: Basil Automat 3000 is made by independent researchers and is not affiliated with any real or fictitious religious cult. It is not recommended for people allergic to basil. It may or may not ward off demons depending on how much you trust its ability to ward off demons. The producers are not responsible for any sins resulting from the use of the Automatic Basil 3000.

Comic? Stupid? Convince yourself, the Basuioc Automat 3000 application is available for free download from the App Store following this link.

Automatic Basil 3000