WearSens, the necklace that tells you when you eat too much

WearSense, nicknamed su "diet choker", it can be the perfect ally for people who want to keep a diet, especially for women.

The necklace monitors eating habits and tells us when we have exceeded the limit. It has an electric sensor that follows the vibrations in the throat to determine when we eat and when we drink. If the vibrations continue for too long, the necklace, which goes hand in hand with an iPhone application, vibrates and beeps to notify us that we are eating too much, which is determined based on the personal statistics of each user, such as height, weight and age.

The implemented sensor not only tells us when we eat, how much we eat, but also tells us what we eat. How? Well, each different type of food creates different models and patterns of vibrations when the food slides down the esophagus.

Like the success rate, WearSens he had a 90% success rate when distinguishing between solid foods and a 75% success rate when distinguishing between softer foods. Also, the gadget makes the difference between hot and cold drinks.