How we will be able to control computers in the future with just our eyes

 Soon, you will be able to control a computer screen with just your eyes. Eyefluence, a start-up from Silicon Valley, is working on a technology for hands-free navigation with the help of augmented reality glasses. The glasses are equipped with cameras that can analyze and track where you look with your eyes at any time and thus users have the opportunity to click on the icons with a glance.

"The technology moves as fast as you can think,"

~ Jim Marggraff, founder and CEO.

He adds that, unlike some of the other "eye-tracking" technologies, Eyefluence works "without blinking and very quickly."

We don't force you to do strange things. We have developed a whole user interface around what your eyes do naturally so that it is fast and non-fatiguing. And easy to learn. We think of the range of things that can be presented in VR. You can surround yourself with a huge amount of information. We see that as a change in how humans can process information, solve problems, learn, and communicate.

eyefluence control pc

Eyefluence claims they have the first user interface based on the "eye-brain connection." Marggraff says there will be various applications for the glasses. He estimates there are 40 million people working on PCs and sees use cases for everything from construction to a hospital operating room.