Here is the police robot that patrols the streets and stepped on a child in the mall

If you happen to be walking around Silicon Valley during this period, then it would be good to know that the streets are patrolled by a giant egg, more precisely by a police robot whose role is to monitor the activity around it and transmit in time real information to the officers who monitor the activity in the area.

Called K5, the robot is almost 2 meters tall and weighs several tens of kilograms, he is part of a fleet of robots that patrol the campuses of companies in Silicon Valley, malls, shops and sidewalks, the police being able to find out in real time about possible crimes that are committed in the area.

Although the world welcomed the K5 robot with open arms, it still managed to make it big, stepping on a 1 and a half year old child in a mall in Stanford, the child's leg swelling and having a visible ecchymosis following the incident, the police apologizing and promising to modify the software of his robotic policeman.

The problem is that this is the second incident in which a robot in the K5 fleet has attacked a child in a mall, so its developers have a lot of work to do to teach the robot cops that even small people should be avoided, not stepped on. , the parents of the injured children being, of course, outraged by the incidents.

The bot comes equipped with sensors, lasers, and 360-degree cameras, and spends the day patrolling an assigned perimeter. It can detect sounds like cars honking, glass breaking, and people screaming, and scan license plates. When the K5 senses criminal activity, it alerts human authorities.

Apart from these accidents, the K5 robots are equipped with video cameras that can record 360-degree images, have a variety of sensors and can recognize people, various objects from the real world, or even sounds, they can also scan car registration numbers and detect the activity of criminals, so they would be extremely useful.

The problem is that these robots are already starting to attack people, and with enough time they could start attacking their creators as well.