Facebook Messenger has 1 billion users

Facebook Messenger has 1 billion monthly active users according to the Facebook company, this record was recently achieved by the messaging platform, it is getting closer to WhatsApp Messenger, the messaging application that currently has the largest number of monthly active users.

In April, those from Facebook announced that Facebook Messenger has 900 million active users all over the world, but now this figure has exceeded 1 billion, a sign that more and more people are interested in the daily use of the platform made available for free by Facebook to chat with friends.

Facebook Messenger is the third Facebook product to reach 1 billion monthly active users, the standard Facebook application and WhatsApp Messenger being the first 2, and now we are talking about a company that has found the secret recipe to create applications that reach 1 billion users active monthly worldwide.

A Messenger shoved around users' throats

facebook messenger 1 billion

How did Facebook Messenger reach 1 billion monthly active users? Very simply, he shoved Messenger down the throats of the users and told them that if they want to talk privately with their friends on the Facebook network, they are obliged to use this platform, or to find an alternative method outside the social network.

Of course, apart from this not very democratic tactic, those from Facebook have extended the Messenger platform to the web, allow its use even without a Facebook account, and thus have offered access to a growing number of people to what has become a platform of text messaging with 1 billion monthly active users.

Facebook Messenger's growth strategy was completely different from that of WhatsApp Messenger, the first messaging app to reach 1 billion monthly active users, but that matters less, given that Facebook achieved its goals with both applications, Messenger growing much faster.

Dethroning WhatsApp

WhatsApp Messenger and Facebook Messenger are in direct competition at the moment, both having over 1 billion monthly active users, both offering a very varied range of functions, but it is hard to believe that both will continue to attract new users at the same rate and in the years to come.

Facebook has built a collection of messaging apps and likes to have products with over 1 billion users, but somewhere, something has to give way, because it's hard to support two messaging apps with similar functions that have over 1 billion people who use them daily, even if they come from different backgrounds.