Skyscrapers is the best app of the week in the App Store

Apple announced the best application of the week in the App Store in the course of yesterday, those from Cupertino promoting a great title for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touchusers from all over the world.

Skyscrapers by Tinybop is the best application of the week recommended by the Apple company through the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touches worldwide, and in the video clip below you can see what kind of gameplay this game offers for our terminals.

According to the creators Skyscrapers, the game offers us the opportunity to build and manage skyscrapers, the game system being a very complex one in which we have to raise these buildings to higher and higher heights every day, but also manage them in order to give the tenants as much life as possible of good

Discover how people build, live, and play in skyscrapers. Construct a skyline full of buildings! Go up and down, through every floor, and underground. Spark a blackout, fix a pipe, or clog the toilets. Test your building's engineering when dinosaurs invade, lightning strikes, or the earth quakes. Find out what keeps skyscrapers standing tall and people happy in them all.

Skyscrapers, allows us to build skyscrapers that can have a maximum of 50 floors above those created by the developers, and based on the offered gameplay we can explore them from the base to the roof, all the while being possible including monitoring the locations of the respective buildings.

Apart from adding floors for each building, we can also modify their external appearance, so we have an extremely interesting game experience in this title.

  • Explore skyscrapers from the ground, up to the roof.
  • Construct a skyline full of buildings.
  • Add up to 50 floors!
  • Design each building's facade and top with different colors, spires, clock towers, and more.
  • Investigate a building's structure, from the foundation to the frame.
  • See how soil affects a building's stability.
  • Test and observe your building's engineering in lightning storms, earthquakes, and high winds.
  • Move people throughout the building: up and down in elevators, through bathrooms, and in and out of rooms.
  • Investigate the utilities: water, electricity, and safety features.
  • Save the building in emergencies! Put out fires and repair water breaks.
  • Turn lights on and off. Cause a blackout!

Skyscrapers, is available for download, in universal format, from the App Store following this link.