How to check if iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak expires in 7 days or 1 year

As you already know very well, 9.3.3 iOS jailbreak it has an expiration date, whether it is about 7 days or a year, you can be sure that when one of the two periods of time passes, you will have to redo the jailbreak from your terminals, it will stop to keep working.

If you used the first version of the jailbreak tutorial using the PP Helper application, then it is quite clear that today the jailbreak solution will expire and you will have to repeat the procedure, but if you used the jailbreak method jailbreak without computer, as long as it was available, then you probably have jailbreak for a year.

if you use jailbreak tutorial with Cydia Impactor, then you have a secure jailbreak for just one week, so this tutorial is mainly useful for those who have jailbroken without a computer, because in their situation there is a possibility that the solution will work for 1 year without too many problems.

Check iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak expiration date

This procedure starts from the assumption that you have already jailbroken iOS 9.3.3, otherwise the whole explanation is pointless.

  • Open Cydia.
  • Install the application iFile, or any other similar utility that allows you to explore iOS system files.
  • Navigate to /var/MobileDevice/ProvisioningProfiles.
  • Open the certificate present in that folder.
  • Now access the respective file using a text editor, or the simple viewing option.
  • Now look for the entrance ExpirationDate, this telling you the expiration date of the profile and implicitly of the jailbreak solution.

Separately from this method, you can navigate to Settings > General > Profile/Device Management, Configurations > General > Profile/Device Management, and if that profile is marked as an enterprise one, then you have a sure jailbreak for 1 year.

Unfortunately, the big problem with this iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak solution is that it expires after a certain period of use, and you cannot change this in one way or another.