Pokemon GO Mania - What celebrities would look like if they were Pokemon

Like it or not, the data says it all: Pokémon Go is one of the most downloaded mobile games of all time.

Everyone is looking for the rarest characters, everyone is trying to figure out how to catch as many of them as possible and they are glued to their mobile phones, as if our smartphone-uro addiction pre- existence was not enough!

This game has completely caught the attention of Hollywood stars as well. An example is Justin Bieber, who stopped out of his way in New York to catch one of those rare small animals, and was not recognized by anyone.

 In all this pokemonian chaos, we asked ourselves a simple, fun question. What would celebrities look like if they were Pokemon, which one would they be? I came up with a collection of 12 pictures, from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Beyonce and Nicki Minaj. Are you ready to catch them?

Pokemon GO Mania - What celebrities would look like if they were Pokemon

Katty Perry 

Sarah Jessica Parker


Bruce Willis

Gwen Stefani


Miley Cyrus


Nicki Minaj

Hillary Swang

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Christina Aguilera

Danny DeVito

Nicky Minaj