2 people died in an iPhone assembly factory

2 employees of the Foxconn company were found dead during the past days, the representatives of the company admitting everything during this day. The Foxconn company did not provide details regarding the cause of these deaths, but stated that there is collaboration with the local police to elucidate the causes of the two deaths.

The factory in the town of Zhengzhou, Henan province, is the one where the two deaths took place, where a person died a year ago under unclear circumstances at the time. For several years, Foxconn has had big problems with suicides in the campuses of its factories, but in recent years this problem seems to have been partially solved.

In this situation, it is not known if the deaths occurred due to the poor working conditions in the Foxconn factories in Zhengzhou, or if they have separate causes. In any case, Foxconn is again in the media's attention with problems of this kind, something that the company has been trying to avoid for several years.

Apple has been working with Foxconn for years to reduce the number of deaths in the factories where the iPhone terminals are assembled, and the efforts seem to have been crowned with success. Even if the problem has not been completely solved, it is clear that fewer people choose to end their lives because of the difficult conditions in which they work.

Our efforts are ongoing and we are determined to do whatever we can to anticipate the changing needs of our large workforce in China. The two employees worked at the Zhengzhou plant in the Henan province, which analysts say has become a hub for Foxconn's production of Apple devices such as the iPhone.

This post was last modified on Aug. 22, 2016, 4:21 PM 16:21 PM

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