macOS 10.12 Sierra beta 7 and public beta 6 have been released

macOS 10.12 Sierra beta 7 and public beta 6 were released last night in the App Store by the Apple company, application developers for the iOS platform and users of the public beta test program having the opportunity to install them right now in their own Macs to test the changes made.

As usual, the Apple company does not say what has changed in these builds macOS 10.12 Sierra beta 7 and public beta 6, but we are probably talking about solving some operational problems and improving the general performance of the operating system, as happens every time.

macOS 10.12 Sierra beta 7 and public beta 6 can be downloaded from the Mac App Store if you have an earlier version, and if you want to test the public beta version, you can do it from this page.

macos sierra betas