Cydia Substrate 0.9.6300 update has been released

Version 0.9.6300 of the plugin Cydia Substrate was launched during this evening in Cydia by the creator of the saurik app. According to the information provided by him, the update is meant to solve a problem of the platform Cycript which prevents normal functionality in iOS 9.3, as users would expect.

Basically we are talking about an update of Cydia Substrate which is only meant to solve a functionality problem and nothing more. Cydia Substrate is a plugin based on which all existing plugins in Cydia work, so you have to do this update right now in your terminals.

Cydia Substrate it can be installed by simply accessing Cydia and checking the updates section.

"Cydia Substrate 0.9.6300 enables Cycript to work in the way one would truly expect on iOS 9.3."
