Pokemon GO is costing some players money

Developers Pokemon GO they made the decision to delete the bans of certain users who use the game daily, Niantic trying to solve some errors because of which certain people were banned. Those from Niantic have announced that in recent weeks, money has been erroneously applied to certain users, and they will be deleted.

The president of Niantic, John Hanke, stated that his team of employees applied money to users who used various websites or third-party programs to cheat in Pokemon GO. We are talking about many websites that showed the real-time location of pokemons, or other tweaks that falsified the location, or allowed us to walk anywhere and anytime without moving.

Some services of this kind generated a lot of traffic in Niantic servers and made it difficult to play Pokemon Go, but blocking their access to the servers solved a good part of the problems. In some cases, protecting the servers also involved banning some people who used third-party services to cheat in Pokemon GO, and some will be deleted by Niantic.

The president of Niantic did not explain how the accounts will be filtered to remove the money from those who did not deserve it, but the process has already started within the company. In this idea, during the following days many people should be able to start playing Pokemon GO again, but with the mention that they could be banned again if they abuse.

"Because of this we have had to ban some accounts associated with using these add-on map tools, leading to confusion by some users about why they were banned. This is a small subset of the banned accounts. Add-on maps which scrape data from our servers still violate our terms of service and use of them may still result in an account ban going forward."